I have studied to work as a journalist. For the first period of my professional experience, I was focused on writing for magazines and newspapers. I have been contributing for design and art magazines, from 2007, and for Corriere della Sera since 2011. However, if I had to say what has always fascinated and inspired me, that is poetry. My first love was reading poetry. Reading, and then, try to write. From writing poetry were born books, the first one in 2006. Now I work in schools as educator with students with special needs. I’ve settled down on Lake Garda, in a village called Salò, a poetic place I chose to live more slowly and raise my son. I love walking, romantic literature and poetry. In 2021 I did the license for Environmental Hiking Guide. I lead workshops for adults and kids around reading, walking and poetry. I organize walks in which the experience of nature is intertwined with poetic, musical, artistic suggestions.
I experiment with artistic techniques – etching, cyanotype, photography, collage – making prints and works that take their cues from the natural world.
Ho studiato per lavorare come giornalista e per il primo periodo della mia esperienza professionale mi sono dedicata al giornalismo, collaborando per riviste e quotidiani. Ho collaborato per riviste di design e arte e per il Corriere della Sera. Ma se dovessi dire ciò che mi ha sempre affascinato, ispirato e affiancato, è senza dubbio la poesia. Leggere poesia. Dalla lettura sono nati poi alcuni libri. Oggi lavoro a scuola come educatrice accompagnando alunni con bisogni speciali. Amo il cammino, la letteratura romantica e la poesia. Conduco laboratori per adulti e ragazzini intorno alla lettura, al cammino e alla poesia. Organizzo cammini in cui l’esperienza della natura si intreccia a suggestioni poetiche, musicali, artistiche. Sperimento tecniche artistiche – incisione calcografica, cianotipia, collage – realizzando stampe e lavori che prendono spunto dal mondo naturale.